Monday, September 30, 2013

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 5:45 PM 0 komentar


Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 5:39 PM 0 komentar

by : Chandra Yuliasman
            In todays competitive world, it’s very easy to find a family that both parent to go out to work. Either father or mother go to work and children busy with their own activities. This phenomenome become trend in whole world. Some of the family may tend to achieve high economic level or may it’s the necessity in the family for their live. In a side its goog for nowadays competitive world, but it’s still good in the family relationship?
            In busy family, we definetely can see that every member of the family buy with their own activities. We can also definetely say that they will get lack of interaction. Lack of o\interaction in family is so dangerous. It will cause many bad effects such as child being out of control, divorce, or maybe marriage become useless.
            This busy family facts can we see around us. Maybe the family will get rich but thy are poor in love. The family may be broke. In conclusion, busy family is bad for family life.

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Parents without Child

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 5:37 PM 0 komentar

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Parents without Child
by : Mia Neswati

            Family includes father, mother and child that are loveliness, belongingness, and happiness fully. The members of families, they share ideas or everything each other. Nowadays,  few of parents in the world especially in Indonesia. They don’t have a child. It causes of some factors, as such as they use birth control, use sterile or the parents don’t want to have a child. The phenomenon like this , there have advantages and disadvantages of parents without child. Let’s we tell about advantage and disadvantage of parents without child.
            First, advantages of parents without child. Parents can focus on their works. Without child, they can finish their work especially for workaholics man. They are free from child to do their in the office. Second, parents don’t need pay too much of their life. If they have a child, they think and spend much money to education their child.
            Besides the advantages, there are some disadvantages of parents without child. One of them, parents feel unhappy without child. They feel lonely and don’t get a perfect family. Because a child can make parents are happy in their life.
            In conclusion, parents without child have advantages and disadvantages. Parents can do everything their works in the office or at home. However, parents feel unhappy or sad without having a child.

Having Big Family

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 5:35 PM 0 komentar

Having Big Family
by : Kuntum Khaira

            Having big family in traditional era is something that usual. They said if you have big family, you will get more blessing from God. In other hand, in globalization era, there is a government system said that having two children is enough. The system is called by KB or “Keluarga Berencana”. By having two children, your family will be more successful in the future. In other hand, if you have many sisters or brother at home, it will be some disadvantages of having big family for children and parents.
            First, if you are the oldest in the family, you have to do some kinds of job at home, such as cleaning the house, cooking, washing the plane, go to the market to buy some foods and so on. You have to do it because you are the older.  Then, when you want to make homework or you want to focus on your study in examination, your brothers and sisters are making noise outside. It will be trouble and disturbing.  You can not concentration on your study. Next, you can not have a privacy area, because you have to share your bedroom with you sisters or brothers. For the parents, they will be difficult to control many children. May be there is someone that feel not fear in the family. The parents have less attention to their children. They can not only focus to the youngest or the older. They also will need more money to stay life. They should do hard work and busy.
            In conclusion, having big family has disadvantages for parents and children.

Adoring Child

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 5:33 PM 0 komentar

Adoring Child
by : Kadry Bonjoly
Adoring child is an attitude that parents always give anything what their child wants , cancel an order , instruction or rejection simply because the child scream , fight / argue. For example , a father forbids his son to go , then it makes the children cry or whine with it , that is allowed to go . To stop the children crying , a father relented and let his son to go. Thebehavior like that referred to adoring child , and parent attitudes inconsistent with the order only for make their children donot cry or whine including attitude adoring child.
Attitude we've shown it appears profitable for the child until the child would continue to repeat the behavior . someday when it expects something from her parents , she will cry , because crying regarded as a powerful tool to obtain what he/she wants . it happens ussually on parents who has child one or two only. So, if we compare with another parents who has many child, they tend avoid adoring child. Actually every parents has different way to show their love for her/his child. But sometime some parent choosed a wrong way with adoring child. As we know it’s not good for children’s life.
From teh explanation above we Can conclude that adoring child is a child whose life was spoiled always depend on others, because a love that given by parents  was too great , so that love becomes excessive the effect, many children claim something about what he wants and when they wants not satisfied, the child will be cry.

Lukisan Ar-rahman

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 8:41 AM 0 komentar
Lukisan Ar-rahman
oleh : HENKY D.M
MAN 1 Lubuk sikaping

sekeping taburan kasihmu menyapa
menyelimuti mahluk ciptaanmu
goresan cakrawala arrahman
menundukan hati bertasbih padamu
desis angin menyisir bumi dengan al quran
kehidupan cahaya menyilau
karna percikan ayat-ayatmu

maka nimat tuhanmu yang mana
yang kamu dustakan?

ya robbi
merimbun kesempurnaan ciptaanmu
membakar dosa dengan ilmu
cebisan kebodohan melesat kedalam buih
berkat lukisan arrahman mu

maka nikmat tuhamnmu
yang mana yang kamu dustakan


Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 8:38 AM 0 komentar
“PASAMAN terhipnotis
MAN Unggul lubuk sikaping...?”


        MAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping merupakan dambaan bagi masyakat Pasaman apa lagi semenjak di bentuknya MAN unggul 1 Lubuk Sikaping atau lebih akrap di panggil dengan sebutan MAN plus lubuk sikaping. MAN unggul ini telah menggoncang Pasaman dengan berbagai keunggulannya. Yang sangat mengesankan, bagi siswa dan siswi yang telah lulus melalui berbagai tes untuk memasuki MAN  unggul itu akan mendapatkan penghormatan dari PEMDA berupa tempat tinggal asrama yang begitu mewah, makanpun telah disediakan setiap harinya, bahkan pemerintah telah menyediakan tukang masak khusus yang akan melayani para siswa MAN unggul tersebut, ruang makan yang sangat rapi, tempat mandi yang strategis sehingga membuat para siswa dan siswi betah di dalamya. Selama ini memang keberadaan MAN unggul tidak di ketahui masyarakat, namun setelah para siswa terjun kelapangan untuk menampakkan kebolehannya dengan berbagai acara seperti : perlombaan pekan 12 Rabbiulawwal tingkat SMP/MTSN se Kab. Pasaman, dan juga mengadakan pesantren kilat se ramadhan di setiap kecamatan yang ada di kab. Pasaman.Sekarang ini memang masyarakat sangat membutuhkan kader-kader seperti para siswa MAN unggul lubuk sikaping.
Bagi para siswa MAN unggul lubuk sikaping diwajibkan dengan status jurusan keagamaan, walaupun demikian bukan berarti mereka kalah di bidang umum, terbukti setiap kali ada perlombaan MAN unggul lubuk sikaping selalu mengharumkan nama MAN 1 lubuk sikaping. Dibidang bahasa inggris tahun 2010 kemarin seorang siswi MAN unggul lubuk sikaping berhasil mendapatkan juara 1 pidato b.inggris tingkat sumatra barat dengan mendali emas atas nama nur apriliyanti R,  bukan itu saja masih banyak bidang yang lain yang berhasil di raih oleh para siswanya seperti Kadri berhasil mendi penulis terbaik tingkat Sumbar bidang keagamaan dan IPA, dan juga jendro meta sebagai  atlet lari berhasil mendapatkan juara dua tingkat Sumbar dan juga setiap kali ada MTQ tingkat kab.Pasaman, tingkat prop. Sumbar dan bahkan National selalu ada yang di wakili dari MAN unggul lubuk sikaping. benar-benar perihal yang luar biasaw dengn menyadang status denga jurusan keagamaan mereka berhasil pula menguasai di bidang umum.
Tidaklah ada kata penyesaln bagi PEMDA karena membentuk MAN unggul lubuk sikaping itu, terbuktibanyak dai tamatan MANG unggul yang di terima di Universitas luar negri, seperti Mesir, Mekah, Malaysia bahkan ada yang di Australia, sungguh sangat mengharumkan nama pasaman.
MAN unggul lubuk sikaping juga mempunyai kader-kader hafidz dan hafidzah dan lancar berbahasa arab. Perihal itu di akui oleh Gurbernur Sumbar Irwan Prayitno yang telah 2  kali melakkankunjungan terhadap MAN unggul lubuk sikaping

Friday, September 27, 2013

overview of Language Teaching Methodology

Diposkan oleh KADRY BONJOLY di 9:10 AM 0 komentar

overview of Language Teaching Methodology

            Methodology is a system of broad principles or rules from which specific methods or procedures may be derived to interpret or solve different problems within the scope of a particular discipline. Unlike an algorithm, a methodology is not a formula but a set of practices.
            Language learning principles are generally sorted into three sub-groupings: Cognitive Principles, Affective Principals and Linguistic Principles.  Principles are seen as theory derived from research, to which teachers need to match classroom practices.  The Cognitive Principles input that Automaticity, Meaningful Learning, Anticipation of RewardsIntrinsic Motivation and Strategic Investment. And for Affective Principles input that Language Ego, Self-Confidence, Risk-Taking and Language-Culture Connection. And than for
Linguistic Principles input that Native Language Effect, Interlanguage, Communicative Competence.
            This is a very brief overview of various language learning principles, draws heavily from H. Douglas Brown explanation. However you view language learning principles, these should form the basis or backdrop of the techniques you choose to use and the choices you make in the language learning.

Grammar Translation Methods

            The grammar-translation method is widely hated by EFL/ESL instructors, even without clearly defining what the method is. It often serves as a catch-all for the repetitive, overly academic, and terminally boring language classes most of us sat through in school. Classes are also primarily conducted in the native language of the teacher and the students, a big no-no the EFL/ESL world.
            The objectives of Grammar Translation Methods are to teach English would probably tell you that (for their students at least) the most fundamental reason for learning the language is give learners access to English literature, develop their minds "mentally" through foreign language learning, and to build in them the kinds of grammar, reading, vocabulary and translation skills necessary to pass any one of a variety of mandatory written tests required at High School or Tertiary level. And than Some teachers who use the method might also tell you that it is the most effective way to prepare students for "global communication" by beginning with the key skills of reading and grammar.  Others may even say it is the "least stressful" for students because almost all the teaching occurs in L1 and students are rarely called upon to speak the language in any communicative fashion.
            According to Prator and Celce-Murcia (1979:3), the key features of the Grammar Translation Method are as follows classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language, much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words, Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given and so many else.

The Audiolingual Method

            The Audiolingual Method is a method for foreign language teaching which emphasized the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. This method is combination between behavioral psychology and linguistic. It’s also called “Army Method” because this method is appeared since the World War II for the American armies who had to learn language quickly and intensively. The structural theory of language constituted its backbone.Structural linguistic view language as a system of structurally related elements for the expression of meaning. These elements are phonemes, morphemes, words, structures and sentence types. The language teaching theoreticians and methodologists is behavioral psychology which is is an empirically based approach to the study of human behavior.
            The general goal of the Audiolingual Method is to enable the target language communicatively. And there are two objectives in Audiolingual Method such as; Brook distinguishes between short-range and long-range objectives of an Audiolingual program. Short-range objectives include training in listening comprehension and accurate pronunciation. Long-range objectives or the ultimate goal is to develop the student’s abilities are same like what native speakers have, to use it automatically without stopping to think.
            The main principles on which the audio lingual method is based are the following :Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation. The student are able to give correct response rather than by making mistake. Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target language are presented in spoken form before they are seen in written form. Aural-oral training is needed to provide the foundation for the development of other language skills. Drills can enable learners to form correct analogies. Hence the approach to the teaching of grammar is essentially inductive rather than deductive. The meaning that the words of a language have for the native speaker can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context and not isolation.

Community Language Learning

Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counselor while the learner acts as a collaborator (client), although sometimes this role can be changed.
            The objectives of commynity language learning competence is specified only in social terms, explicit linguistic or communicative objectives are not defined in the literature on Community Language Learning. Most of what has been written about CLL describes its use in introductory conversation courses in a foreign language. The assumption seems to be that through the method, the teacher can successfully transfer his or her knowledge and proficiency in the target language to the learners, which implies that attaining near-native like mastery of the target language is set as a goal. Specific objectives are not addressed.
The role of instructional materials is evolves out of the interactions of the community, a textbook is not considered a necessary component. A textbook would impose a particular body of language content on the learners, thereby impeding their growth and interaction. Materials may be developed by the teacher as the course develops, although these generally consist of little more than summaries on the blackboard or overhead projector of some of the linguistic features of conversations generated by students. Conversations may also be transcribed and distributed for study and analysis, and learners may work in groups to produce their own materials, such as scripts for dialogues and mini-dramas.

The Silent Way

The silent way is a methodology of teaching language based on the idea that teachers should be as silent as possible during a class but learners should be encouraged to speak as much as possible. There are three basic principles: The learner needs to discover or create, learning is made easier by the use of physical objects such as Cuisenaire rods, learning is made easier by problem-solving using the target language.

Teachers using the Silent Way want their students to become highly independent and experimental learners.  Making errors is a natural part of the process and a key learning device, as it is a sign that students are testing out their hypostheses and arriving at various conclusions about the language through a trial and error style approach.  The teacher tries to facilitate activities whereby the students discover for themselves the conceptual rules governing the language, rather than imitating or memorizing them - Brown (1994:63) expresses this as being a process whereby "students construct conceptual hierachies of their own which are a product of the time they have invested."

In addition to the idea that students become more autonomous learners and "develop their own inner criteria for correctness" (Larsen Freeman, 1986:62), another key objective was to encourage students to work as a group - to try and solve problems in the target language together.

Based on these principles and using the techniques described below, it was hoped that students would eventually be able to actively use the language for self-expression, relating their thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

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